Are You a Multi-hyphenate?

In the entertainment world, more and more, artists have multi-hyphenated job titles; writer-director- producer, actor-producer, an author-publisher who sells their work online or through specialty markets.
A perfect example of a multi-hyphenate is George Clooney – Actor-Writer-Director-Producer -political/ human rights activist.
But of course we can’t do it all alone—not even George Clooney. He has his longtime friend and business partner Grant Heslov with whom he started his production company Smoke House.
Finding Your Creative Team
So how do you find the people with whom to collaborate and make the magic happen?
First, you need to identify and target the people who would most likely relate to or share your artistic vision.
Start with who the people are currently working in the industry whose work you admire and think “if they knew my work” that they might connect with me and want to work with me.
If you are just starting out or don’t know anyone, do your research. For example, if you are an author, look at your favorite books and find out who the publishers and editors are. If you are a playwright, who are the directors whose work that you love?
Life Is Too Short
Let’s face it, it’s a big world out there and not everyone is someone you would want to work with. The old adage, “Life is too short” definitely applies to the entertainment industry!
This is very important because you don’t want, to waste your time with people whose sensibility doesn’t match yours.
Ultimately, to get true satisfaction from your creative life and to do your best work, you must find the people who you love to work with and enjoy the process.
Connecting to Your Creative Community
Every one of us needs support-especially when we are working towards our creative dreams. We can’t do it alone. Here are some things you can do to find your people, get support, and build community around your creative life.
1. Go see the work of and up and coming artists in your field.
For example: If you are a playwright, go see the work of new directors and if you like the work, reach out and arrange a meeting with them. If you are a visual artist- attend a gallery opening and introduce yourself to other artists who are in attendance
2. Join an organization of like-minded people.
For example: If you are a writer join or start a writers group or seek out professional organizations in your field. The New York Women in Film and Television, an organization that I’ve been a member of for many years, is a great way to meet collaborators and build support for your work—and you don’t have to be a woman to join!