Joanne Zippel Interview with Tonya Pinkins, Host of You Can't Say That!—Part 1

If you want to do the creative work of your passion with less fear, more support and tips that will help you produce your remarkable work, check out my two-part interview with host Tonya Pinkins, Tony Award-winning actress and author.
In Part 1 of this interview, we discuss how my experiences and love of producing in theatre and film led to my passion for also serving as a creative career coach. And I share examples of how I support artists in making the transition to doing their passion work and the inner, and the outer strategic planning and action work necessary to make it become a reality.
A few Part 1 interview highlights and timestamps:
1:38 - Introducing producer and creative career coach Joanne Zippel as a polymath: her various roles in the entertainment industry
2:20 - On working with a client transitioning from reality TV to her passion work, indie filmmaking: the issues and dealing with fear
5:02 - How Joanne supports artists in their pursuit of doing their passion work: with less fear
6:12 - Key things from the inner work: that help you do the work of your passion
8:00 - What informs Joanne’s work as a creative coach
10:55 - Being a creator herself, what led Joanne to become a creative career coach: and her Ah-ha” moment
13:10 -Joanne training that helps artists do remarkable work
14:10 - Bridge Work for artists
16:40 - Countering the danger of comparing ourselves to others
17:53 - Dealing with social media, branding and meeting your collaborators
20.00 - How to find/meet your collaborators
24.25 - On the need for artists to be creators and producers
25:35 - An impromptu coaching session
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