Joanne Zippel Interview with Host Richard Skipper

On Sept. 2, 2020, in the midst of the pandemic, the arts and entertainment worlds had been shut down already for over 170 days. Entertainer-MC-interviewer and host Richard Skipper, of Richard Skipper Celebrates, and I sat down to discuss the challenges and the good things that have occurred during the pandemic in my life, and in my work as a producer in theater and film as well as serving as a creative career coach for artists in the entertainment industry.
We also talked about how, at Zip Creative, I help artists strategically and authentically develop their career, their life and their projects to produce the remarkable work of their vision. I also shared important career tips for artists, especially during these times when troubling changes occurring within the industry require re-imagining and reinventing ways to get our good work out there.
I thoroughly enjoyed this conversation with Richard Skipper. With over four decades in show business, he has interviewed over 700 artists about their work, their journeys, and their life. By sharing mine with him and with you, I hope you will find some helpful and inspiring tips for your journey.
A few interview highlights and timestamps:
02:50 - The Ups and Downs of the Pandemic: and some positives that have come out of it
05:50 - How it Started: my lifelong love of theater and producing plays began in my childhood
13:00 - A Variety of Jobs and Getting to New York: developing the creative and producing side of working in theater and film, and the business side of marketing, promotion, nonprofits, and getting your work out there
👉 24:00 - Career Tips for Artists: from my work as a creative career and strategic project development coach with artists in the entertainment industry
- The difference between an agent and a manager, common misconceptions and and how to work with them effectively
- The important inner and outer work artists need to do to produce the work of their vision
31:00 - The Life Crisis that Helped Me Clarify my Passion and start Zip Creative: my creative career coaching and strategic project development practice
40:00 - The Types of Clients I Work With and How We Work Together
41:43 - Maintaining Connection and Community as Artists During the Pandemic
44:40 - About my Fast Forward Friday interviews with Artists: (Get them. They are Free. You can sign up below)
50:00 - On Life, Work and the Pandemic: it has clarified what’s really important and how I can be of service to fellow artists
52:40 - The Troubling Changes Occurring in the Industry: the need to re-imagine and re-invent new ways for getting our work “Out There"
Thank you for listening and sharing this interview with your community.