No Excuses. Make Your Art A Priority Now.

You’ve probably heard the story of Hernán Cortés. Even if you don’t recognize the name, you may remember him as the Spanish Conquistador who prevented his crew from turning back from battle by ordering them to destroy their ships. (A lot of people think they burned the boats, but that’s not how they did it.) The point of destroying the boats was so that there was no option but for the men to fight. It’s time for you to burn the boats that are keeping you from doing your artistic work and jumpstart your creative career.
Instead of saying “I don’t have time” or “I’m not connected enough” or “I don’t have the money,” try saying “What can do today to engage with my artistic self?” See how that feels and start to move forward with your project. Your self-limiting beliefs should never stand in the way of you working on your artistic projects. You’re a creative person by nature, and that means you can come up with creative solutions to your problems.
Make your artistic career a high priority in your life. Next time you feel like saying, “I don’t have time to work on my painting,( or novel, screenplay or performing)” say this instead: “I’m not making time for my art because it’s not a priority right now.”
Does that feel good to you? Probably not. But that’s the unfinished part of the sentence whenever you start talking about your perceived obstacles. Isn’t it time to change your narrative? The words you use are a reflection of your thought processes and your belief system and when you hear these words – even though they’re coming from your mouth – they’re a reinforcement of those negative beliefs.
You can create a fulfilling artistic career, if you make it a priority. Feed your passion and choose to live your life as an artist. It’s your choice to make your creative life your core experience. Value your creativity. What you do every day is tied to your priorities. You should take action on your artistic career every day.
If you need a some guidance in making this change, I offer a free, 30-minute Creative Career Action Planning Session where you can learn 3 simple but powerful tips to move your creative career forward! Schedule your session today!