The Difference Between Success and Failure is More than Talent

You’ve spent what seems like a lifetime toiling over your masterpiece, and finally, it’s finished.
But now what?
How do you go from “it’s finished” to actually getting someone to produce it, publish it, or sell it in a gallery?
You wonder, “who is going to make this happen for me?”
Well unfortunately, the answer is: no one…well, no one except yourself that is.
Facing the Truth Is the First Step To Making It
Sadly, it isn’t unusual for artists to be innocently convinced that their work is so brilliant that it will do the promotion for itself.
And oftentimes, their work is brilliant and worth being noticed.
But when nothing happens, it can be discouraging, demoralizing and frustrating!
Why You Should Change Careers
No…don’t stop writing, making movies, performing or painting.
But what if I told you the simple difference between successful creative artists and those that don’t make it is that they are actually pursuing different careers?
Doesn’t make sense, right?
But the truth is, successful creative artists realize that they aren’t just artists. They know they are the entrepreneurs of their creative career.
This shift in perspective is simple, but powerful.
By viewing your desire to become a successful artist as a career in creative entrepreneurship (even if you’re the only one who sees yourself that way), you’ll leave behind the fate of waiting around for a big break that never came.
The best part about this change in careers is that it doesn’t require another college degree. All it takes is being purposeful and engaged in developing your future and learning and applying some valuable life and business skills that promote success.
We live in an age and an economic environment where entrepreneurship is more important than ever, where how you advance your artistic career depends on how actively you pursue the business side of the equation.
How to Become the Entrepreneur of your Creative Career
The first thing you need to do is quit wasting your time thinking, “who will make this happen for me?”
Instead, start finding the answers to “how will I build my business?”
Aside from just being great at creating your artistic work, your new job title involves becoming a master at creating business practices that are great at promoting your work.
It is as easy as taking the time you used to introspectively ponder the quality of your work to also build trusting and supportive relationships with others in your “world.”
This shift, from simply being a creative artist to being a creative entrepreneur, opens up an entire universe of possibilities because it connects your creative work to your future success.
3 Ways to Launch Your Career as an Entrepreneurial Artist
1. Create a “Fans” List
These are people you know who think you are the greatest and want to help you.
They can be industry colleagues, friends, family, people at your day job, or even your high school drama teacher!
They are people that you can call on for advice, contacts and support. And they may lead you to someone who you don’t know who will help you. You never know who knows someone!
2. Create a “Wish” List
Who are the artists you’d want to know and work with if you had your pick? Take the limits off. Think big!
And, do your research.
For instance, if you are a screenwriter, what are you favorite movies? Who produced them? Who directed them? If you are an actor, who are the playwrights whose work excites you.
Write down who you think would share your artistic vision.
3. Brainstorm and Reach Out
Take your “Fans” list and brainstorm ways you can connect with them.
Perhaps it’s a colleague whose work that you love, and you might want to work together on a project.
Perhaps one of your fans might know someone who could lead you to working with someone on your “Wish” list.
You’ll never know the potential of a relationship until you reach out and start building it.
A Commitment Worth Fighting For
Are you willing to commit to doing one or more of these action steps this week? Do you have someone to keep you motivated and encourage you to do better and more each week?
The only one who can make it happen is you – you as a pioneering creative entrepreneur. Relying on someone else like an agent to make it happen for you or for the art to do it for itself is the simple recipe for missed opportunities.
So change your career, circle up your fans, connect with your wish list, and make sure someone is keeping you encouraged to keep doing it.
And if you need help figuring out how to do any of this, leave a comment. I’ve literally spent my life connecting and encouraging artists so chances are, I can help you, too!