Our Newest Workshop Off to a Great Start!

Our newest NYWIFT (New York Women in Film and Television) workshop started up last Tuesday and is really inspiring! I’m thrilled about the group, made up of smart, creative, motivated women and ONE man! It’s a diverse group of writers, actors, musicians, digital media makers and filmmakers who are working in a variety of genres. They’re all excited about taking their projects to the next level.
Do you feel fear or lack of clarity is holding you back? Would you like to work in an area where you can truly excel and express yourself? These are some of the issues we address in the workshop and in the past there have been some amazing results – people who are doing what they always wanted to do and getting paid for it! (Be sure to check out the testimonials on this website).
We will be starting up a new artist career support workshop in the near future for New Jersey residents, and another New York group as well. If you are interested, drop me a line at: joanne@zipcreative.net.
Complimentary 30-minute consultations are also available for individual coaching.
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